Transaction Notification examples -
When creating TNs you must note that documents can be saved as drafts and that is why we create a Tn for Drafts and the document. Examples of TNs 1. When a purchase quotation must have a base document - see below TN - this TN can be followed up with the respective documents i.e NO purchase order without Purchase quotation. No GRPO without PO . NO AP Invoice without GRPO down to the credit note. It also applies to the Sales Process its only a matter of changing the Tables and object types. PURCHASE QUOTATION MUST HAVE A BASE DOCUMENT -- ---DRAFT IF (:transaction_type = ('A') OR :transaction_type = ('U')) AND :object_type = '112' THEN cnt := 0; select count(*) into cnt FROM "ODRF" T0 INNER JOIN "DRF1" T1 on T1."DocEntry"=T0."DocEntry" WHERE T0."ObjType"=540000006 and T1."BaseType" NOT IN ('1470000113') AND T0."DocEntry" = :list_of_cols_val_tab_del; IF :...