
Showing posts from September, 2023

Transaction Notification examples -

 When creating TNs you must note that documents can be saved as drafts and that is why we create a Tn for Drafts and the document.  Examples of TNs 1. When a purchase quotation must have a base document  - see below TN - this TN can be followed up with the respective documents i.e NO purchase order without Purchase quotation. No GRPO without PO . NO AP Invoice without GRPO down to the credit note. It also applies to the Sales Process its only a matter of changing the Tables and object types.  PURCHASE QUOTATION MUST HAVE A BASE DOCUMENT -- ---DRAFT  IF (:transaction_type = ('A') OR :transaction_type = ('U')) AND :object_type = '112' THEN cnt := 0; select count(*) into cnt FROM "ODRF" T0 INNER JOIN  "DRF1" T1  on T1."DocEntry"=T0."DocEntry" WHERE T0."ObjType"=540000006 and  T1."BaseType" NOT IN ('1470000113')  AND T0."DocEntry" = :list_of_cols_val_tab_del; IF :...

Transaction Notifications - SAP business one

  What are Transaction notification in SAP business one Transaction notifications in SAP Business One are alerts or warnings that can be set up within the system to notify users or trigger specific actions when certain transactions or events occur. These notifications help businesses enforce internal controls, prevent errors, and ensure data accuracy. Here are some key points about transaction notifications in SAP Business One: Purpose: Transaction notifications are used to monitor and control critical business processes. They can be configured to enforce specific rules, validate data, and notify relevant users about events that require attention. Types of Notifications: There are various types of transaction notifications, including: Warning Messages: These notifications display a warning message to the user but allow the transaction to proceed. 1.Error Messages: These notifications prevent a transaction from being processed until the issue is resolved. 2.Approval Requests: Notifi...